Traffic Ticket Attorney – What is a Moving Violation?

This Blog was brought to you by the San Antonio Traffic Ticket Attorney Gordon Slade

What is a Moving Violation?

A moving violation is any violation of the law committed by the driver of a vehicle while it is in motion. The term “motion” distinguishes it from other violations such as parking violations, equipment violations, or paperwork violations relating to insurance, registration, inspection, etc. In theory, moving violations are more likely to directly cause physical harm to persons and property. The other form of violations may cause theoretical risk (nonfunctional taillight) or be limited to financial risk (failure to maintain insurance). While some violations, like parking violations, are civil matters involving a vehicle’s owner, moving violations are charged against the actual driver. However, moving violations enforced by automated camera enforcement may be prosecuted as civil violations against the vehicle’s owner. Moving violations are usually classified as infractions or
misdemeanors, but serious violations can be considered felonies.

The most commonly enforced moving violation, and the overwhelmingly most frequent reason for a vehicle pullover (regardless of the type of citation issued, if any), are speed-related violations. Measurements of motorist speed throughout time have found many roadways where compliance with speed laws is very low, making it possible for virtually any motorist to be pulled over at the whim of law enforcement. In most places, moving violations involve fines that must be paid as well as punitive points assessed to the license of the driver. As a driver accumulates points, he or she may be required to attend defensive driving lessons, re-take his or her driving test, pay additional taxes, or even surrender his or her license.

Sometimes tickets are used for fundraising. For example, a local government that is suffering a budget shortfall may ticket more aggressively within its jurisdiction to increase revenue. In the United States, citation fines can vary widely between jurisdictions for the same behavior, usually between $25 and $1000. In countries such as Finland, however, they are specific proportions of the violator’s income, and fines in excess of $100,000 can be assessed to wealthy individuals. In Canada, each province is individual in how they treat similar behavior and each violation usually includes a set fine and demerit points against the driver’s license. For example, a speeding ticket in Ontario of 50+ km over is 6 demerit points against the driver’s license with the approximate fine calculated as (km over x 9.75) x 1.25. Common moving violations-speeding:

exceeding a limit or simply driving an unsafe speed-driving too slowly for road conditions
running a stop sign or red traffic light
failure to yield to another vehicle with the right-of-way
failure to signal for turns or lane changes
failing to drive within a single lane
crossing over a center divider median or gore
driving on the shoulder where it is considered illegal under certain conditions
failure to use a seat belt
failure to stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk
failure to stop for a school bus when children are boarding or exiting
failure to secure a load to a truck
driving in a carpool lane illegally

More serious violations include:
drunk driving
reckless driving
road rage
street racing
vehicular homicide

Personal Injury Attorneys – Wrongful Death Law

Personal Injury Attorneys – Wrongful Death Law

A claim for wrongful death describes a cause of action that may be brought be the heirs of the decedent (the person who passed away). In its most basic form, wrongful death is when someone dies because of the actions of another person. Fatal automobile accidents, botched surgeries, even rock climbing accidents can all lead to wrongful death claims.personal injury lawMoew Information here @

One purpose of a wrongful death case is to compensate the heirs for the harm or damages they personally suffered as a result of the death. Generally, in a wrongful death claim, the heirs may recover for loss of consortium, loss of comfort and society, and the value of the contributions the decedent would have made to the heirs’ support education, training, and care. This last section is sometimes described as lost wages, but that’s not entirely correct. Because wrongful death is focused on the survivors, that section actually deals with what percentage of the decedent’s earnings could have been passed on to the survivors.

The damages for wrongful death are the damages of the heirs which occur because of the wrongful death. They are not damages that were sustained by the decedent. Those may be recovered as well, but in a separate action known as a survivorship claim. These two claims are closely related, but focus on different aspects of the law.

Ironically, the survivorship action focuses on the person who died while the wrongful death claim is for the living.

If you believe you have a wrongful death claim it is important that you act quickly. Waiting too long can impair your attorney’s ability to investigate and develop your case, but it could also completely end things before they even start. Texas has a two year statute of limitations on wrongful death cases. This means that a wrongful death claim mud the brought within 2 years or it can never be pursued. The time starts running upon the death of the victim. Please click on this link @

But why wait at all? Most wrongful death attorneys offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case and explain your rights. Obviously I hope you will contact the wrongful death lawyers at our firm, but whatever you decide, please see someone sooner than later.